An account Owner or Admin on Immagnify and the CRM is authorized to integrate Immagnify’s account to a CRM, such as HubSpot and Salesforce.
Once the integration is set, it is available for all users on Immagnify’s account.
First, log in to your CRM account.
Go back to Immagnify and click on the Settings icon at the bottom of the left navigation bar.
Go to the Integrations tab, and select the relevant CRM.
Please note that an account can be simultaneously integrated with both CRMs, HubSpot and Salesforce.
Click on Connect.
You will be asked to allow access. Click on Allow.
Your account is now integrated with a CRM.
The Connect button will now change to a Configure blue button.
It is highly recommended to configure the integration settings (it is needed only once).
If you choose not to configure it at this point, your account will be set to default settings (the grey fields on the top of each tab).
To configure, please click on the Configure button.
There are two configurable tabs: The Companies tab and the People tab.
Go over the different fields on both tabs to set the configuration between Immagnify and your CRM.
Immagnify’s fields are on the left column. For each field, please select the relevant value from your CRM. The information you export from Immagnify will be exported to the CRM fields you specify.
Please note that Immagnify supports general fields, such as String or Numbers, without predefined choices such as Selection.
For each field, you can manually turn on the toggle on the right if you want to Allow override (this value will be replaced on your CRM with a new value from Immagnify, if it already exists on your CRM).
Once you are done configuring both tabs, click on Save Changes.
These settings are saved for all users on your Immagnify account.